The Coalroom

Love your sound. Tell your story.

Creativity coaching: Therapy for your inner artist

Artists are different.

Artists' brains have a more developed motor cortex. They have better fine motor skills.

Artists have different personal values, often prioritizing a need for self-expression more than non-artists.

Artists are more likely to think in image or metaphor, which is great for writing books and songs, but terrible for trying to talk about our feelings with non-artists. So, often, artists can get hung up on the very emotions that are fueling our art. We also struggle with the insecurity that comes from putting our work "out there" for others to pick apart and critique.

Record producers know how to support you to dig deep and find your best creative work. But they don't know how to help you unpack your emotions and process blocks to your creative flow. You need an experienced therapist for that.

Zach Meyer is both. With thousands of hours of experience as producer and as a therapist, Zach is uniquely equipped to play midwife to your artistic ideas by creating an environment that is safe for creative and emotional exploration.

For more info on Creativity Coaching, call Zach at 414.207.6131 or email

© 2024 Zach Meyer